
I am experienced in and can offer training and consultation for the following professionals/settings:

  • EDUCATION STAFF:- Nurseries, Schools, PRUs for teachers, TAs, LSAs, SENCOs, Pastoral Staff.
  • SOCIAL CARE TEAMS:- Social Workers, Supervising Social Workers, Foster Carers, Legal Guardians and Family Support Pracitioners.
  • HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS:-GPs, Paediatricians, Nurses, Healthcare assistants, Midwives, Health Visitors, Community Nursery Nurses and Speech and Language Therapists.
  • CHILDREN’S CENTRE STAFF:- Family Support Pracitioners, Outreach workers and Early Years Staff.


I can put together a flexible package of support to meet the needs of your team. My fee will usually start at £120.00 per hour.


Please contact me on 07799 052 241 or email me on counsellingpsychology@hotmail.comto discuss your requirements.